Misty Bourne

FatChanceBellyDance® Style Certified Instructor

About Me

Welcome! I’m Misty, the founder of Crescent Dance Collective. My journey with belly dance began many years ago during college when I watched a troupe perform at a Renaissance festival. Their grace, confidence, and diversity of body types inspired me deeply, but it wasn’t until almost fifteen years later that I finally gathered the courage to try belly dancing myself.

In 2019, I took my first FCBD® Style beginners’ course in Nashville with McKenna Driver, founder of Fire Phoenix Belly Dance. Despite never having taken any kind of dance class before, I immediately fell in love with this dance style for its communal spirit, accessibility, and beauty. From that first day, I was determined to practice, grow, and eventually become a professional dancer.

I am incredibly grateful to have been a part of the Fire Phoenix Belly Dance family, where I continued to learn and perform this beautiful art. In November 2023, I completed the FCBD® General Skills and Teacher Training certifications with the hopes of branching out to teach and continuing to share the empowering art of belly dance with others.

In 2024, I launched Crescent Dance Collective with the goal of growing the local dance community and evolving personally as a dancer. I strive to share with others the joy and connection belly dance fosters as well as the personal strength and beauty dance helps us discover within ourselves.

Why FatChanceBellyDance®?

  • FatChanceBellyDance® cultivates connection. It was created to be danced in community. We call our movements our “vocabulary” because they are like a language. Anyone who knows the language can dance together, without prior practice or discussion, and connect in ways beyond words.

  • FatChanceBellyDance® requires trust. Because the dance style is improvisational, the leader must trust that the other dancers are following them, and the followers must trust that the leader will choose and clearly cue movements that highlight everyone’s beauty and skill.

  • FatChanceBellyDance® prioritizes accessibility. No matter your body type, age, gender, or any other personal trait or identity, you can learn FCBD®Style. It naturally promotes body neutrality by working with your body and prioritizes movement not as a way to punish or change your body but as a way to celebrate it.

  • FatChanceBellyDance® fosters creativity. Its improvisational nature allows for self-expression in ways other dance styles simply can’t. Because our dance style doesn’t include choreography, we are free to choose movements that highlight our connection with the music to which we dance.

My Approach to Teaching 

I believe in personalized, supportive teaching. My approach goes beyond just dance steps; it’s about understanding each student’s starting point, journey, and goals. Whether it’s mastering a technical skill or embracing self-confidence, I strive to meet each student where they are and come alongside them every step of the way. I believe asking questions, listening, and co-creating a path forward that resonates with each student’s needs is the path to successful teaching.

Come see what it’s all about!

 Sign up for classes to experience the empowering, joyful art of belly dance.