Reflections in Motion: Dance, Life, and Daydreams

Welcome to the Crescent Dance Collective blog! Writing has been a longtime passion of mine—I’ve been writing literally since I can remember! I want to integrate my passions for wordcraft and dance via the blog, with the following intentions in mind:

  • Intention 1: Expression – Just like dance, writing is an excellent vehicle for self-expression, and self-expression can be at once art, healing, and growth. Through writing, I can elevate those three personal values of mine.

  • Intention 2: Inspiration – I’m hard-wired to want to encourage and inspire others. Teaching dance gives me a unique opportunity to do that, and writing does too. Hopefully you’ll find something here that stirs you to action or self-discovery.

  • Intention 3: Connection – Story is one of the most basic building blocks of human connection. Dance provides us a way to connect by moving our bodies, and sharing stories gives us a way to connect through our intellect and experiences. As I say on my editorial business page, words are the path to connection.

  • Intention 4: Preservation – I’ve always loved journaling. Journals (and blogs) are like time capsules, places we can store our memories and return to them any time we need to. Which leads me to my final intention…

  • Intention 5: Reflection – I value self-reflection highly. Personal growth is incredibly important to me, and we grow when we take the time to reflect. The processes of writing and revisiting past posts are excellent ways to learn and appreciate our progress.

I’m excited to share this space with you and can’t wait to get writing.

Happy reading, and…

Happy dancing!



Seasonal Balance: Equilibrium in Life and Dance