Choreographing Your Year: Intention and Improvisation

As the new year begins, talk of “resolutions” is everywhere. We’re dreaming big, and (hopefully!) we’re mapping out the steps we need to take to achieve our goals.

I’ll be the first to endorse having an actionable plan, but it’s equally vital to leave room for the unexpected—to embrace flexibility and allow our goals to evolve. As they say, “life happens.” Sometimes changes require us to alter our intentions, and sometimes meaningful ideas emerge after January 1.

The idea of holding space for planning and adaptability is reflected in dance, especially in improv. In FCBD, we practice our movements, transitions, and formations, but we also cultivate the ability to adapt in the moment—to respond to the music, the space, and each other with creativity and grace. What if we approached our goals and intentions the same way?

Here are a few practical ways to blend intentionality with flexibility as you step into the year ahead:

  • Know the intention behind the goal. Goals work best if they are measurable, if they’re based on outcomes rather than ideas. But this works both ways. If your goal is to “learn the baladi zil pattern by the end of March,” for example, ask yourself why. Is it because you want to feel like you’re growing in your dance practice? Maybe you decide along the way you should start with a simpler pattern instead, which allows you to adapt the goal while still meeting the important intention behind it.

  • Practice reflection regularly. Set aside recurring time (once a month, for example) to revisit your goals. Do they still feel important to you? Have your priorities shifted? Just like in your dance practice, it’s important to check in periodically with your progress and plans. Take time to refine your path, and don’t forget to celebrate your growth.

  • Embrace the unexpected. Life will always surprise you. When something doesn’t go according to plan (and something inevitably won’t), take a deep breath and ask yourself, “What can I learn from this?” I can’t tell you the number of times something unexpected has happened during a performance—and even though it might feel embarrassing or frustrating in the moment, there is always something to be learned so we’re better prepared next time. Your goals (and the roadblocks you’ll encounter on the way to achieving them) are the same. Feel those feelings, and then find a takeaway.

By balancing intention with flexibility, we create space for growth while staying open to new possibilities. Just like in dance, where the most beautiful moments often emerge when we let go and trust ourselves and our fellow dancers, our lives can be enriched when we allow for a bit of improvisation.

As we step into 2025, I invite you to set your intentions with care and an open heart. Plan your practice, rehearse your moves, and always leave space for the magic of the unexpected.

Happy dancing!



Trust in Every Step: Dance, Life, and the Bigger Picture


Seasonal Balance: Equilibrium in Life and Dance