Refund Policies

Crescent Dance Collective strives to provide a rewarding, accessible experience for all students. To ensure the sustainability of CDC’s classes while accommodating students’ needs, CDC implements the following refund policies:

Series Classes

1. Full Refunds 

A full refund for a class series will only be issued if the request is made at least one week prior to the start of the series.

2. Partial Refunds

If a refund request is made less than one week before the series starts but before the first class, a 50% refund will be issued. Refunds will not be issued after the first class.

3. Credit Transfers

If after the first class you are unable to continue a series that has at least two classes left due to emergency circumstances that arise, you may transfer your remaining credit to the next series or apply it toward private lessons. (This does not apply if you miss a class and continue to attend the series after that.) You must contact us at least two weeks before the end of the series in which you are enrolled to be eligible for a credit transfer.

4. Make-Up Classes

If a class needs to be canceled (for inclement weather, instructor illness, etc.), it will be rescheduled as a make-up class. Otherwise, make-up classes are not available; however, each series class includes a review of the content covered in the previous class, so students are encouraged to continue to attend the series even if they miss a class. Alternatively, make-up classes can be scheduled as private lessons if desired.

Drop-In Classes

5. Drop-In Refunds

A full refund for a drop-in will only be issued if the request is made at least one week prior to the start of the class. If a refund request is made less than one week before the class but more than 24 hours before the class, a 50% refund will be issued. Refunds will not be issued for no-shows or requests made after 24 hours prior to the class.

Crescent Dance Collective is committed to delivering high-quality dance instruction. Due to the costs associated with renting class space and the time invested in instruction, CDC is unable to offer refunds outside these policies.

Thank you for your understanding and support. I look forward to dancing with you and helping you achieve your dance goals.